SPIP Computing X mμ Space and Advanced Technology
On 9th February, SPIP Space Tech Workshop 2023 was held for Computing and Computer Science students from years 9, 11, and 12 by mμ Space and Advanced Technology Company. The purpose of the event was to educate the students about the fascinating world of space technology. The event covered a range of topics including Introduction to Space, the History of Space Technology, the latest Trends & AI advancements, the Company’s Space Projects and Products, Space Career opportunities, and the unique Space Tech working culture. The students also had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the exciting possibilities in the field. Additionally, the company highlighted some of the world’s greatest space inventions and emphasized the importance of technology in shaping the future. To further encourage the students, the company offered internship and future work opportunities, providing a platform for our brilliant technology students to kickstart their careers in the field of space technology.